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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School

The School Day

Opening Hours

Main school


Our school gates open at 8:30am to pupils only, when children will go straight to their classes to access early education. The gates close at 8:45am and school starts at 8:50am promptly.

Any children arriving after the gates have closed at 8:45am must come to the office, with their parent/carer, to be recorded as late with the reason given.  

Please do not bring children around to the main entrance to come into school unless the gates have closed. All pupils should enter via their classroom doors.


The gates will be unlocked at 3:10pm, ready for parents and carers to enter, and for the children to be collected from their classroom doors at 3:20pm. 

The gates will be locked at 3:30 pm

If someone else is collecting your child then you must let the office staff know before 12:30pm.


Our session times for Nursery are slightly different to main school.

On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays the session starts at 9:00am although we ask that you wait outside Nursery with your child from 8:50am. On these days, the collection time is 3:00pm.

On Wednesdays there is a split day. The morning (Puffins) session starts at 8:45am and finishes at 11:45am. The afternoon (Owls) session starts at 12:15pm and finishes at 3:15pm.

The Nursery staff need to know who is collecting your child. If you are unable to collect then you can authorise someone else to do so, but you must let the office staff know so the information can be passed on.

There is also an option to extend the Nursery hours for your child by booking them into our wrap-around care service. You can find more information on this here