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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School

Home learning

Daily reading


Times tables

Half termly project

- Year 4 Homework – Autumn 1

This half term, the children will be studying the Ancient Greeks in History. For their homework we would like them to research and write a report or poster (no bigger than A3) about a Greek god. This could include pictures and labelled diagrams, a glossary, headings and sub headings.

Due: Monday 14th October





Teaching team

Kingfishers Class

Class teacher: Mrs Smith (Tues - Fri)

                          Mrs Devereaux (Mon)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Matharu & Mrs Hastie


Bluebirds Class

Class teacher: Miss Wood (Mon - Thurs)

                          Mrs Devereaux (Fri)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dale


Website link for TTRockstars:


Website link for spelling / maths shed:



Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 page. There is much to look forward to across the next three terms and we aim to keep you updated throughout the year. Please check back regularly for updates and photos.


Our PE days for Autumn 1 in Bluebirds are Tuesday and Thursday and in Kingfishers, Thursdays and Fridays. Please could you ensure that children come to school wearing their correct PE kit on these days. When the weather is cold, the children should come in tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts.


Homework is an important part of the learning process, and we appreciate the time that you spend helping your child with their homework. As you are aware, our homework policy has been updated.

In year 4, children should read for 20 minutes every day and record this in their home school diaries.  Their reading diaries will be checked every week by an adult. They are also expected to practice their weekly spellings (recorded in spelling homework books due in on Thursday for Bluebirds and Fridays for Kingfishers). The children can also revise their spellings on spelling shed.

 Also, year 4 pupils need to practice their times tables every evening for 10 minutes (Times Tables Rockstars). We will send a weekly times tables sheet to help your children consolidate their learning.

Each half term, we will set a creative homework. Please see our termly newsletters for details of this. 

End of the day

If you would like to speak to your child's class teacher, please email the office to arrange an appointment.


Academic Year 2023/2024